1. Piney Brown 2. Low Down Dirty Shame 3. Positive Thinking 4. When Lights Are Low 5. Thing And I 6. Bold Woman 7. Kidney Stew Blues 8. My Woman Is Evil 9. Buck 'n' Jump 10. Early This Morning 11. Rusty Dusty 12. Blues Fot Big Al
Al Dupree aki zongorán és szaxofonon zenélt 60 éven át volt a dallasi
blues élet meghatározó alakja. 75 évesen is zongorázott, és áradt
belőle az életerő. 2003-ban hunyt el 80 éves korában.
Piano and
saxophone player Big Al Dupree, a mainstay on the Dallas music scene
for over 60 years, made his first appearance in the Twin Cities in
March. At 75 he is still playing piano with a vitality that shows no
signs of slowing down. His deep resonate voice was very easy to listen
to and his superb and versatile piano playing offered an outstanding
change of pace (and change of instruments) in this blues series.
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All MP3 files here are not on this site (I Only Found them by Search Enginge) and perhaps offered only for a limited time,
so if you're interested, come frequently and download them as soon as possible. Please DON'T request as the url become invalid.
Ez az oldal nem tárol semmilyen fájlt. Csupán az interneten megtalálható linkeket teszem fel bemutató oldallal mutatok rá a tartalomra, melyekről más oldalak gondoskodnak.