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Main » 2008 » September » 29 » R.L. Burnside - Wish I Was In Heaven Sitting Down
R.L. Burnside - Wish I Was In Heaven Sitting Down
10:52 PM
Blues | CBR 320 kbps | 01:00:35 | 140,41 MB

1. Hard Time Killing Floor
2. Got Messed Up
3. Miss Maybelle
4. Wish I Was In Heaven Sitting Down
5. Too Many UPS
6. Nothin' Man
7. See What My Buddy Done
8. My Eyes Keep Me In Trouble
9. Bad Luck City
10.Chain Of Fools
11.R.L.'s Story
12.Black Mattie
13.Pucker Up Buttercup
14.Laugh To Keep From Cryin'

RL Burnside élete legnagyobb részét Mississippiben töltötte farmokon napszámosként és halászként, zenélni pedig a negyvenes évek legvégén kezdett, miután meghallott egy Johnny Lee Hooker-számot. A Burnside-ra annyira jellemző torzított blueshangzást - mely gyakran egyetlen hipnotikusan ismétlődő akkord ritmusán alapul - általában Észak-Mississippi hill country blues stílusához kötik a műfaj szakértői. Burnside nevét a kilencvenes évekig nem nagyon ismerték, akkor azonban a Fat Possum kiadó több lemezét is kiadta (később még egy hiphopremixet is készíttetett a gitáros munkáiból). Ezt követően Burnside még Jon Spencerrel is dolgozott együtt, általában azonban régi barátjával, Kenny Brownnal lépett fel. 2005-ben halt meg 78 évesen.

In the new blues aesthetic coalescing around R.L. Burnside, the old reliable twelve-bar form is molded into long, wailing vamps that are punctuated by DJ scratchings, then pushed through the filters and processors of electronic dance music. But it remains indelibly the blues: With the transfixing Wish I Was in Heaven Sitting Down, Burnside, the seventy-three-year-old wizard of the North Mississippi hill country, refines the approach of his 1998 loops-and-hollers experiment Come On In by playing down the supporting electronic collage and emphasizing his embittered turpentine voice. The songs follow typical woe-is-me story lines ("Nothin' Man" and "Got Messed Up" are accounts of trouble that just won't stop), and the guitars (some by occasional Beck and Tom Waits sideman Smokey Hormel) snap out repetitive riffage that's one step from cliche. But Burnside's singing has never been more compelling on record. When he folds his spoken-word recollections into odd proclamations (like "Too Many Ups"), then delivers a surprisingly vital cover of "Chain of Fools," he becomes the living embodiment of blues spirit, a torch carrier whose vision for the music puts tradition-mongering young blues students to shame.

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