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Main » 2008 » October » 19 » Jimi Hendrix - Little Richard - Friends From The Beginning
Jimi Hendrix - Little Richard - Friends From The Beginning
1:11 AM
Blues - Rock | CBR 320 kbits | 00:40:20 | 92,72 MB

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Views: 1903 | Added by: kucsimuka-zene | Rating: 0.0/0 |
Total comments: 1
1 kucsimuka-zene  
Side One
1.Whole Lotta Shakin'
2.Goodnight Irene
3.Keep A' Knockin'
4.Going Home Tomorrow
5.Belle Stars
6.Tutti Frutti

Side Two
1.Lawdy Miss Clawdy
2.Why Don't You Love Me
4.Hound Dog
5.Money Honey
6.Funky Dish Rag

Hendrix viszonylag tapasztalatlan fiatal gitáros volt, amikor csatlakozott Little Richard bandájához. (feltehetően a 60-as évek elején).A Friends From The Beginning egy sokáig várt kiadás olyan gyűjtőknek, akik a két legendás előadóművész miatt keresték ezt a ritka felvételt.

Little Richard was the king of rock ‘n’ roll before Elvis came to town even though Presley beat him to the punch releasing his first album, I think a lot of people will concur with that statement and Richard will tell you himself that is he way it was. He influenced everyone from Hendrix to Prince. Speaking of Hendrix, Jimi was a young guitar player with relatively little experience before he joined Little Richard’s band (I am assuming in the early 60’s). Friends From The Beginning is a long awaited reissue for collectors that have sought out this rare recording by these two legendary performers. The fact that they played together is just as rare as this recording once was. What I find odd about this collection, even though I really enjoyed it, was that there is no indication anywhere of when the music was recorded, and the drummer is listed as unknown. Despite the haziness behind this historical piece of music, I think most collectors and appreciators of Hendrix and Little Richard music will derive some enjoyment from listening to this album. "Belle Stars" and "Funky Dish Rag" are two prime examples of a young and restrained Hendrix, sounding like he could have played in a Booker T & the MGs or early Ike Tuner band rather than the blues-rock heavyweight he would become. This is interesting stuff and well worth your exploration and I feel a lot more than just a collector’s piece. © Keith "MuzikMan" Hannaleck

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